I think every girl should get flowers everyday!
Today I am chilling. Yes, you heard me, chilling. I woke up this morning and for the first time since I started my PhD I didn’t have the anxiety of qualifying exams hanging over me. A very strange sensation, because it seems like for the last three years I have been walking around with this worry right at the back of my mind. It has in many ways been an Omni present worry. Now, it isn’t the exams that are so much a worry, it is the fear of what those exams may tell you about yourself. When you attempt something like a PhD I think there is always a little bit of you that believes that there is no way you will ever actually be capable of being a PhD. For example, when I think about the PhDs in my life I think about how much I respect them, how much I am constantly learning from them, and how capable they always seem. I guess it is just hard for me to ever picture myself being that way. Just prior to my oral ...