7 things you should not be doing this holiday season if you are 28 and single.

1). Focusing more on what you wish you had than what you actually have.  Face it, if you search your heart you're a pretty blessed person.  For some reason the holidays have become the equivalent of a lobotomy to many singles these days.  Maybe it is RSVPing to all those Christmas parties for just one, or maybe it's because your relatives keep on asking when you're getting married.  Whatever it is, it really doesn't matter.  Don't miss the beauty of this season because you are struggling with your own season.  Embrace the love that is all around!

2). Denying others their happiness and good cheer!  Ok, I know...you're wounded and all insecure!  Cut it out!  Don't mock your sister's Christmas card (unless it's really over the top ridiculous) and don't feel resent towards those getting engaged, married, etc.  Instead feel true happiness for others in their moments of joy, this will bring joy to you!

3). Putting all sorts of pressure on yourself and your New Year.  You've said it before, and you may end up saying it again, "this year is the year!"  Maybe it is...maybe it isn't...but you sure as heck aren't going to be able to force it to be.  2015 will surely bring many changes to your life, and one of them could be marriage.  But wouldn't it be better to designate your resolutions to things you have control over, and can manage without feeling like you've failed come 2016?

4). Being "that single girl" at holiday get-togethers.  Just because you're a single lady doesn't mean you should end up laying in the snow with your sequined skirt tucked into your tights...  It was one thing when you were 22 (probably not), but you are a respectable lady at 28.  You have an income and everything.  So stand yourself up and act like it!  No judgement, of course, but I doubt this will help your cause.

5). Trying so hard to diminish any sadness you might feel in your singleness.  Some people are super content and happy in their singleness, while others may be less content.  I bounce around between both depending on where I am mentally.  However, one of the things I've noticed about singles my age --especially during the holidays-- is the act that we put on.  Who has the energy to try and convince others that you feel any other way than how you feel?  So, if you're struggling this year, go ahead and share that with those close to you.  You might find out that others will lend more help than judgment.

6). Forgetting that your singleness is actually a pretty great thing!  So you had to show up to that party alone, and you were not quite sure who to talk to when you first got there, and that was a little uncomfortable.  Or you had to repeat "no" to the same questions from your family at dinner.  Oh well!  You also showed up to that same party when you wanted to, and left when you were ready.  AND, you were not up until 2 am and jolted awake at 6 am on Christmas morning, because you are Santa and not Santa all at the same time.  Plus, you didn't have to pack up a million things in order to get to Christmas dinner with everything the kids needed.  There are perks to being you!  So bust open some Champagne and salute yourself! 

I will raise my glass along with you!  Cheers to you and all those you love this Holiday season!  May it find you healthy, happy, and with a heart full of love and gratitude!  

7) Losing sight of the reason for the season.  This is a time of remembrance that God sent to us His only son.  He did this in order to have a relationship with us.  Jesus came to give to us abundant life.  Remember during this time that God can do"exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us." That power belongs to us because of Jesus (Ephesians 3:20-21).  Don't let your circumstances, whatever they might be, blur your vision of the beauty and the miracles that exist during this time of year!  It was this time of year, long ago, that the dark night was illuminated by a star; a star that proclaimed that the purest of light had just entered our world.  Rejoice and be glad in that truth.


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