
Showing posts from May, 2015


Are you a country girl?  Did you grow up in a place that makes other people's idea of middle of nowhere look practically urban?  Then this is the list for you! 1)       Your constant need for fresh air, and how people look at you when you say, “I NEED oxygen!” 2)       That moment when you are in traffic and all of a sudden you feel like this: 3)       The fact that gas is extra expensive for you because of your constant need to drive until you are in the middle of nowhere. 4)       How you feel when a “new country” singer starts rapping on the radio… 5)  The fact that you can't help the fact that you have a soft spot for Coors Light. 6)    The fact that even though you’re not a huge fan of the song you often think, “Oh, how I need myself a fishing in the dark Nitty Gritty boy.” 7)  That moment wh...