Love always, your Auntie
My sweet baby E,
Right now your life is just beginning, and you already have such a spirit in you. I can't help but stand in amazement of how much you already impress me. I want nothing but the best for you, but life is not made that way. You have a long way to go, as do I, and this thing called life is unpredictable. So, let me give you some advice from my first 30 years in this world.
Your youth is so precious: There will come a day for you when your present will no longer be the moment that will consume your thoughts. Your future will become more interesting to you and you will begin looking forward. Dream big, sweet girl, but don’t become so interested in your dreams that you miss your present blessings. Remember that with every single milestone you hit you have also reached a point where you can no longer turn back. I know it will be hard for you to believe, but the day will also come where you will wish you could go back. Your childhood is such a sweet moment in your life, don’t miss it. You have your whole life to drive a car, kiss boys, and do all of the things adults do. You only get so many years as a child, hold on to it.
Your youth is so precious: There will come a day for you when your present will no longer be the moment that will consume your thoughts. Your future will become more interesting to you and you will begin looking forward. Dream big, sweet girl, but don’t become so interested in your dreams that you miss your present blessings. Remember that with every single milestone you hit you have also reached a point where you can no longer turn back. I know it will be hard for you to believe, but the day will also come where you will wish you could go back. Your childhood is such a sweet moment in your life, don’t miss it. You have your whole life to drive a car, kiss boys, and do all of the things adults do. You only get so many years as a child, hold on to it.
Don’t be afraid to take the road less traveled: The road less traveled can teach you and grow you in ways you never imagined, but remember that road is undoubtedly the lonelier road to take. Every choice you make, my dear one, involves a “yes” and a “no.” Whatever your choices may be, I want you to be proud of them, but I also want you to take ownership of them. The road less traveled is glorified by songs and movies, and it usually does lead to deeper fulfillment. However, what the songs and movies will fail to mention is that the road less traveled is called that for a reason. It can be hard to go your own way, because it often means that you won't have much company. Don't let this deter you, or cause you to turn back. Have the courage to follow hard and lonely roads, because they usually have the best scenery.
Be proud to be you: A day will come when someone will make you feel less, unworthy, unlovable, or simply not good enough. It hurts my heart to know that this is an inevitable truth of growing up. Since I can not shield you from this, I am going to give you some advice: It is so wonderful that the world has a you. You, baby girl, have a worth beyond measure. How do I know this? Because you are here, because you exist, because you have a life. That is not a small thing! Be proud to be you, and when this day that I am referring to comes hear my voice say to you: “You are so loved exactly as you are.”
You were given life in order to live: You have your entire life ahead of you, and you were given a life to live. Be bold, baby girl. Do not hold back because you are embarrassed or afraid, because embarrassment and fear are not real tangible things…they are something you make up in your head.
You are not unique, but you are so special: You are the same as everybody else. Never forget this, because it will help you to have a heart full of grace and compassion. When you recognize this truth it will open your heart up, and an open heart is the best way to experience all that God has for you. That being said, never forget how special you are. You are the only you in the world, and though some may attempt to diminish the importance of this fact, you must always remember that the world is a better place because you are in it.
Love animals: Animals do not discriminate; they don’t care if you are attractive or funny. Animals simply care that you treat them well. Loving an animal will teach you so much about unconditional love, how to give it and how to receive it.
Love your family: Listen, family is not easy. As you get older you will begin to understand what I mean. There will be times when you view your family as a burden, I guarantee this. Try and fight this feeling, particularly when it comes to your parents. This is because your family, our family, they are everything you have in this world, and will always be on your side. They are all of the good and the bad, shoved together in a sticky mess and covered in love. Never isolate yourself from them, from us. No matter what, we love you and are your biggest fans.
Love yourself: You will have multiple relationships in your life. You will have family, friends, boyfriends, etc., and all of these relationships will require effort on your part. Don’t get so preoccupied with all of your other relationships that you forget to tend to the one you have with yourself. If I can teach you anything it is this: start practicing self grace today. You have to love and be kind to yourself, baby girl. The world can be very hard, and if you can’t find refuge and peace from it within yourself then it will just become a harder place. Forgive yourself, speak kindly to yourself, and be a good friend to yourself. If you do this, there is nothing the world can throw at you that you won’t be able to overcome.
Let go of the past: The past is no longer real once it becomes the past. It is a ghost of what once was, and a lesson and experience to learn and grow from…nothing more. You can wreck your whole life holding on to the past. Your present is your only reality, and the only thing you have any control over. So, spend your time present in your present. Mastering this will make you more aware of blessings and opportunities in your day, and it will rid you of burdens like regret.
Grow, every single day: Depending upon the day, you may have many triumphs or you could have many failures. Sometimes the only thing we have complete control over is our response to triumphs and/or failures. Grow. No matter what happens in your day, I want you to grow. Too often people experience a defeat and retract into a life of strongholds and safeguarding. Or worse, people experience a triumph and boast and dwell on that one triumph for the rest of their lives. I hope you can see that neither scenario includes growth. Do not set your sites on obtaining triumphs or avoiding failures, set your sites on growth. I promise you that this pursuit will be more attainable and far more fulfilling.
In the end, it is all between you and God: Ultimately, we are all attempting to find meaning in this world. All human beings want to be loved, to feel safe, and to be comforted. The reality is that those three things can only really come from God. The world and its people are fleeting. Some things last longer than others, but everything is temporary. I don’t say this to frighten you, but rather to encourage you. I encourage you to seek out a relationship with the Lord, sweet one. He is the most important thing, He really is. I pray you have a desire for Him above all else. Read His word, listen for His voice, and always seek His wisdom and presence. He will be your strength and your refuge, I promise. Open you heart to the Lord, and He will give you an abundant life. For the Lord is never unkind.
Finally, always remember that your Aunt loves you, so very much. You will always be safe with me. I can't wait to see all of the things that you will be, my beautiful baby girl.
Finally, always remember that your Aunt loves you, so very much. You will always be safe with me. I can't wait to see all of the things that you will be, my beautiful baby girl.
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