Hi! My name is Jessie, and my eggs are dying.
**This blog is best read while listening the song Crooked Halo by Annie Bosko** This blog is going to be pretty personal, if that doesn’t interest you then I would stop reading… Someone said something to me today that really irritated me. Actually it really pissed me off. Now I know this may not shock most of you, but this statement in particular really got me thinking brewing. The statement was: “Do you ever worry that you are going to be too much for a man to be attracted to you? Like, do you ever think that most men wouldn’t be interested in marrying a PhD?” …First, can anyone please tell me how you respond to a statement like that politely? Seriously, I am super interested in suggestions, because I think it would shock you the types of comments I have received on this particular topic. So, please, any advice on keeping your composure in this situation would be appreciated. Secondly, it truly shocks me how bold peop...